Why Hallo?

Automate Your Language
Assessments with Hallo

Discover why industry leaders choose Hallo for its powerful suite of AI-driven features.

The reasons to choose Hallo
over other providers are clear


Our assessments are advanced, reliable, and valid

Hallo leverages the most advanced AI technology and proven research to deliver accurate language assessments. With over 3 million learners, we focus on real-world communication skills, ensuring that every evaluation reflects true proficiency.

Cost and Time Efficiency

Save time and budget significantly

Hallo helps organizations achieve their language assessment goals at a fraction of the cost. Our platform is 95% cheaper than traditional testing services and delivers results within 10 minutes, helping you save both time and money.


Comprehensive Language Coverage for Global Hires

With assessments in over 60 languages, Hallo offers a wide range of skills testing, covering speaking, listening, writing, and reading. Our platform aligns with global standards such as CEFR, ACTFL (Estimated), and Hallo's scoring system.


Tailored Solutions for Every Business

Our platform offers customized questions and personalized feedback and can be tailored for different industries. Whether your business needs assessments for finance, healthcare, or customer service, our platform is adaptable.

Security & Safety

Secure and Cheating-Resistant Assessments

Hallo offers a suite of advanced security features to ensure the integrity of assessments. With eye movement detection, an anti-copy and paste system, auto shutdown features, and full-screen mode, we provide a secure environment for language testing.

See how Hallo stacks up against others


Hallo makes hiring international
employees effortless







Request pricing and a demo

Automate language assessment and save time and budget significantly.

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